Werewolves? Cannibals? I dunno, but I like it. Hot in a very cold way, if that makes sense. Good job cleaning up those run ons. It read much more fluidly. :)
Gruesome and gross but really effectively gives the image of this reallyl perverse character enjoying her meal, whatever she is. I couldn’t quite follow that one sentence about what she said but didn’t want to hear, not sure if it’s a wording or a structure thing. I’m pretty sure I followed the ending, that your protagonist is starting to feel the urge to eat the body as well.
About that sentence, I meant that it was what she didn’t want to hear in the way that she wanted Ulysses to join her for the meal but Ulysses knew she hadn’t eaten for a while so she wouldn’t mind having the whole thing to herself. If that makes sense?
I’m not generally into the “harder” aspects of vore, or cannibalism, but your description is very effective. As THX said, it really gets across her enjoyment of the meal.
But it also causes me to wonder, why does Ulysses wish that was him?
THX 0477
Throat Wolf