
Burial Rights.

They were always around. Always have been. People just forgot about them. You stop telling the stories, you stop writing the stories down, you write off what you can’t explain as myth and you try to pretend the world is more rigidly natural than it really is.

Unfortunately, as the saying goes, “the supernatural isn’t supposed to happen, but it does happen.”

Some cultures burned the dead. Other cultures buried their dead or locked them in crypts, mausoleums, pyramids, vaults and coffins.

For so long, we pretended it was a way to keep scavengers from feeding on the bodies. For so long, we pretended it was some tradition to honor the dead.

It didn’t take long to remember why it had started. They’re lonely on the other side, so they come back to bring others with them. There’s more room on the other side, you see, and they bring everyone they can.

No Hollywood head shots here. You burn them or bury them deep. You hope they rot in that reanimated shell until they can’t drag anyone else back to Hell.

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