

“Okay, we’re on! Close the damn door!” Even in his current form, Jason was ever so quick to comply, as the rest of the survivors took their positions. Without a word, Mark and John went to engineering to get the sub-light engines online.

Which left the werewolf alone on the bridge with the human. They’ve already seen me change once. There is no way that I could damage their opinion of me more, were his thoughts as he started to feel the bones crack and grind beneath his flesh. A rather painful process, to be sure, but one that he could live with.

“So that’s what you’ve been hiding, these last few months.” Alex’s words were expected, really. It was her tone that cut him to the bone.

“You would have killed me if you’d known before.” A simple reply stating a simple truth. Nothing could survive explosive decompression.

Before either could say anything more, there was a roar as the ship’s engines came to life. From there it was a simple matter to put it into high orbit until the Mannshcenn Drive was ready.

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