
Bring them home....

I sighed, and stared at the moon, “what’ca thinking bout?” asked Amy, she was in my platoon, i liked her.. I could talk to her.. Share dreams….ya know, girl talk.

“My daughter..” I sighed, leaning my head on my hand. “Oh yeah! You getting shipped back?”

“i dont know.. I hope and pray to god I do…”

“yeah.. Me to.. I miss Nathan..”

“he’s your husband right?”

“mmhm..” she sighed nodding.

“I miss mine to..”

“Ryan right?”

“yeppers, that’s him..”

“Well, Emma has it worse…”

“how the hell so?’ I asked, turning my head with a sarcastic look on my face.

“She had to leave her kid with a nanny person thingy..”

“damn.. Poor kid, alone with some crazy bitch for Christmas..”

“Well, from the sound of it, she’s pretty nice..” She said nodding.

I shook my head rolling my eyes, “This is cruel… we work our asses of, 365 days of the year, and what do we get? SQUAT!” I yelled, the out rage in my voice made my friend recoil. “I know I know.. But, it might get better..” she said, faking a smile.
“I’m sure”

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