
An epic entrence.. For an alien..

Crunches were heard all around in the forest. A grunt loud grunt and roars echoed , It made the forest seem eerier then usual..a armored figure was catapulted into a clearing. It groaned, and ran back into the forest. A grunt, another roar, and a large primate was flung in, replacing the armored person. The armored figure walked back in. It looked…Alien..In-human, but on the contrary…It WAS human.. A super human at that, genitally enhanced human.. Abducted at the small age, of 6. It walked over to the primate, and even through the yellow glowing visor, a bloodthirsty, satisfactory smirk gleamed. It brutally ripped a large combat knife out of the primates chest. It twirled in it its hand, and put it in a hidden pocket on its chest.It looked around, and fear might as well have been leaking from its cold, metal frame. But why? Why would a creature such as this be afraid of anything? Because it was lost..Alone..Without help.. This, was spartan 087.. Formal know as…Kelly.

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