He awoke to the vibration of his phone before he heard it’s alarm. There was something disconcerting about that quiet low-frequency sound that made it more effective than the loudest buzzer. A quick slide on the touch screen, and after an eight hour respite he was back online, checking his email, and reading blog entries before he’d even put on new clothes. He gave everything a quick scan before getting to the important part; accepting the day’s assignments. With the recent publicity that had been getting on the blogosphere the good ones in his area were getting snapped up faster and faster. But he had other things in mind too. There was a war protest in the Fi.Di. that he wanted to cover, and a Kite festival in Berkeley that someone had offered a bounty for. He checked off a few simple deliveries that were on his way, but one of them got under-bid by some guy named “bikepacker420”. “Good luck with with that guy” he muttered crossly to his would be employer.