Letting Go
“Even though I know what she is, I am powerless around her.” Matt flexed his calloused hands into fists, face mirroring the storm outside. He spoke quickly. “No man can stand against her. She is a succubus that turns men into marionettes. That’s why you have to do it.”
There was a pause for silence that grew larger, stretching out until it filled the room. Maryanne touched his arm and smiled sadly. Thunder boomed and echoed off the mountains to the north.
“I can’t fight your battles any more, Matthew. I wish I could. I’m your sister and I love you, but this is something only you can do.”
Matt stared. “I told you I cannot. As soon as I see her, my resolve crumbles as if it never existed- I tell you I am bewitched.”
“Be that as it may, bewitched or besotted, you’re going to have to stand up to her yourself. If I took up your fight, win or lose, it would destroy you- and I with you.” She patted him fondly. “You are a good man- I have faith in you. I am sure you’ll find a way. Let your conscience guide you.”