
Candle Light

“What do you mean you didn’t turn the lights off?” Clara asked, confused and annoyed.
“I’m serious! It wasn’t us! We were standing right next to the alarm, and then the lights went out,” Damon explained.
“Yeah, we didn’t do it!” Byron exclaimed. Jenna leaned on the counter, and glared at them.
“Ok, then who did turn off the lights, because it definitly wasn’t me or Clara?” Jenna hissed. Clara found some candles and lite them, flooding the room in a dim orange light. Jenna turned off the flashlight, and set it on the counter.
“I don’t know who did turn off the light. If I did, I’d be yelling at them for repeating a stupid prank,” Damon said curtly.
“I have an idea,” Clara said," how about, instead of standing here arguing, we go turn the light back on. How about it?" Byron nodded, grabbed the flashlight, then the two boys left the kitchen to go turn on the lights. Jenna sighed, then began to much on some popcorn.
“Hey! The switch doesn’t work! Someone messed with the powerline or something!” Byron shouted.

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