
The return of Lucky7

“I remember it like it was yesterday… The day Z died.. " Says a short, sort-of fat man. He has brown hair, lime green eyes, and a shirt with different colors waves streaked across it.
“we were in a big race, ya know, with one of them bosses…” He continued, he shifts in his leather arm chair as you stare at him intently. “But, lets not get a head of ourselves now, I’ll start from the beginning, sum it up, then talk about his return…” He says with a smile, the smile you see you believe is a hah-you-have-to-listen-to-my-long-and-slightly-boring-story-now kinda smile. SO you nod your head, and put the tip of your pen on your small blue notepad. “Ok, well… Z was in a HUGE ridge battle with Kenji.. He’s a BIG dude, In the sense that he’s high up on the racer/crew list..” He said a raise of his eyebrows and and a I-know-that-joke-was-lame smile. “So they were turning the last corner, and that bastard cheats. Knocks Z right off the edge..” He said, holding his fat hairy arms up in an outraged manner.

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