Missing a “t” on the second last line there. It, not I. =]…what is it with ficly and zombies I wonder? They always seem to pop up in the festive season.
I love the idea of using the name of a weapon for a replacement name. Bags shuriken. Well, if the day ever comes.
I really like the idea of names being replaced by weapon type! Very creative. A couple days ago I watched the movie 28 Days Later, and there were fast zombies in it, just like your story. They were fierce.
Kihd, there are no zombies in 28 days later, they are people infected with rage. I am a zombologist, trust me. ;)
As for the story, very nice piece. I like the twist on the original challenge concept. And I found your weapons as people’s names very creative, as well. All and all, awesome entry.