
Gloria, Gloria, Hallelujah

“The Cleaver has struck again, this time bringing fear and violence to Nebraska. Staying true to his M.O., he dismembered the family using their own kitchen-”

Frankie snapped the radio off. They weren’t going to find him, not in time. Not if the world was truly ending. Even if they did, he’d only go to prison until Judgment day.

There were still three names left in his special book, the tiny, black book he’d bought when he’d learned the truth. He’d filled the pages with past slights, and hurts, each one associated with a specific person. He’d forgotten about many of them, but in thinking about those responsible for the recent pain he’d suffered, more had surfaced as if they were all connected. One big, long chain of pain.

He looked at the names again even though he knew exactly who was left. It was reassuring to see only three left, the other forty-four were crossed out and done.

Gloria Goldburg
Stephanie Parson
Joseph Van Rooner

It would be be Gloria in the morning. Gloria, Gloria, Hallelujah.

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