
Giles and Curly, Conversation One

“What, Curly?”
“You ever like…miss what’s going on at home?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. AGAIN.”
“Sure you do, dude. Like, what’re our moms up to? Mine spent so much time involving herself in my life, I wonder what she does with all that free time now that I’m here.”
“I’m sure my mom is doing fine.”
“What about like…other stuff? Were you reading Harry Potter books? I guess there were only going to be seven of them and we only made it to number six. How’d that turn out?”
“Why are you asking me about kids books about witchcraft?”
“I’m just wondering, don’t you miss our real time or wonder about what happened after we left?”
“We didn’t leave, Curly.”
“What else am I supposed to call it?”
“Lots of things. Why would you call it leaving?”
“Well…I say leaving because I still hope that someday I can return.”
“Why would you want to go back there!? All you ever talk about is how much it sucked.”
“I say that so I don’t feel so bad about being gone. If I focus on what sucked, it hurts less.”

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