Move, Move, Move
0430 Ship Time
“Up and at ‘em, runt! This ain’t the Navy for lollygaggers and yard pissers! Move, move, move!!” The words came barked with a suddent burst of light as his bunk’s screen slid open. Gruff assisted assisted him in the egress from slumber to the waking, working world.
0500 Ship Time
“You think you have time to chew, maggot? This ain’t no haute cuisine, boy! Shovel, swallow, move the hell on! Move, move, move!!” The shouts nearly burst his eardrums, though it was a handy preparation for his shift in the exhaust shafts.
1430 Ship Time
“This ain’t a tea party, bub! Shovel, swallow, move the hell on!”
1445 Ship Time
“No rest fer the wicked, lad. Keep scraping those casing like you mean it!”
2200 Ship Time
“Lights out! That means you, greenhorn!” The words echoed through his brain like the clang of the generators. Sweat crept upon him despite the quick shower’s momentary cooling. As he did at the end of each grueling, merciless day, Verdie smiled again as wide as the stars.