I like how you transitioned into the story. Also, I like how you condensed everything that happened at the party into a short sentence or two. It really lets us know that we didnt miss out on anything that happened prior to this. Where this story will end, I’m not sure. But I am excited to find out.
However, for the challenge, I really don’t see any zombie aspect in this at all.
Rosetone said the zombie aspect wasn’t meant to be taken literally, though it is perfectly legitimate to include the zed-heads if so desired. You can check the challenge comments to see what I mean.
I love the opening sentences – a hook, an affirmation and a contradiction. Also, the references to the rave-party were cleverly put in. And I suppose the pretzels are…bullets? They must’ve tasted woody.
“Zombie Social – take it literally or figuratively.
I was more making a comparison (dull party companions) than an actually reference to an undead uprising. Both work, however, for the contest."
The title, Zombie Social, was tongue in cheek. I truly meant people acting like zombies.
Anyone seen the awful/awesome music video Boombox (The Lonely Island)? That’s what I was meaning – bland people living bland lives attending a lifeless party. Make some noise! Start a fight! Or join them and blehhhhhhhh .
Not, however, to say that actual Zack stories aren’t legit. I’m totally accepting all of those too.
It’s party of the challenge – how does the writer interpret it? Just wish more people would participate.