Wow, a lot going on there, so much I had to do a reread. Usually that’s a bad thing, but in this case it was just that you layered in a couple of themes. Very nicely done.
ah, i was thinking he sacrificed his mortal soul (human) to become immortal (vamp). the other way around. you said he’d sacrificed his immortal soul so i thought he;d given up vampirism and become human and died and was at the end of his now mortal life.
I want to look like a hot china doll when I go. Remember me as the only corpse you ever really wanted to have sex with. haha j/k— that’s f-ed up. Great story.
This was beautifully done. I loved the twist at the end (I tend to not read tags till after I’ve read the story), so the guilt and questions and all the horrible baggage that comes with a suicide became so much more for me after the ending.