basics do bring various ticks
shivering and drinking
we mine the corner in dusk
putting forward movements perceive
quarterly payments, hiding in the way
protecting us from our own survival
Masks do angry dances in the light of the dancing flame
ordering the butterflies to twirl in the oceanlight
Making us mad, taunting, blood oaths are toughest
selfish mistakes break tongues
longing to last, for tasks and promises
values aren’t impossible, to hold and to shove
Film me. Film me. Film me.
Grab me and disgrace me. Do your best, go ahead and try!
Maybe you’ll break me. Ask for sound and forgiveness.
Doing your best to caring for you.
“I love you,” she tells me, and I don’t believe her.
What love is this? What relationship is this?
You never cook, touch, feel. You don’t love, or have me.
I am never in your thoughts.
Go, and bask in the light which is your own.