Personal preference goes to “You Don’ Have to Go Home,” but all of your stories that I’ve read so far have been really excellent. The dialogue here is great.
Very nice work, it’s a relief to see something uplifting! Well paced for slice of life stuff.
One thing that impressed me was how natural the truck’s movements were integrated, in other pieces I’ve seen they seem fairly separate from the dialogue and action.
The only criticism I have is that the dialogue is a little too calm and slowly paced for the story. Too many periods, I want to see commas and dashes and run-ons to match the truck’s motions!
Two men sipping martini with their respective thermo(ses?)? Maybe this is insight into the two as being quirky fellows. Comes off as silly but it works.
As a vignette, this works. The bit with the guy tripping up his words was good.