
Pulse, Faintly.

At a glance, love seems so fair,
A chivalrous king and passionate stare.
Awaiting reality is like drowning –
There’s no hunger.
And no happiness.
Existence is merely the crowning
Of the opalescent pain,
The multifaceted gem of wanting
Craving, needing…
Such adoration is unhealthy, they say.
It is not quaint or contained
In any small way.
Rather, it flays one alive, and
Brings them to their knees.
Sickness in the brain, others whisper.
It’s all, of course, insane – such is the gossip
Of the happy loved souls. Only the pleas
From the lost are misheard as illness.
It can’t be helped. It can’t be saved.
Beseeching hearts whisper to the air,
Heed me! Heal me!
Romantic that may be. Impractical. Imperfect.
A nasty tinge of green is seen
Around the soul, around the head.
Surrounding, suffocating…
And yet,
Love never seemed so fair.

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