A Small Affair
Two hours ago I had stepped off the plane, excited at the prospect of meeting all the people I had conversed with for so long, my face bright with joy. I could just feel myself glowing.
I should be disappointed at the small restaurant we’ve met at. I should be sad that there are so few of us gathered here. I should be annoyed that I spent £700 on tickets and hotel for such a small reception.
But the excitement isn’t dying. The conversation sparks off on all sides of the table, and not just about writing.
Life is good!
I can’t beleive you did that last night!
What would happen if Pinnochio said his nose was about to grow?
Sometimes it merges into beautiful noise; a harmonious song of voices all in tune to each other, taking turns, joining in: a glorious tornado.
Stories blossom, series’ finish, friendships grow and reacquaint themselves.
My eyes won’t shut. I’m too happy, smiling too wide… This can’t end. I belong here.