Ooo, as an ex-smoker the first line is painful! I like how you got all past participle on the word ‘shear’ by using ‘shorn’, haha, it’s a creative way to tell us her hair was burned off— and more concise, AND more poetic :) I can always tell it’s you by the blending of prose and poetry. And I relate to the 5th paragraph, personally.
I found this one slow to read, not exactly fluid, but I enjoyed the journey you took me on.
A female named Timothy? You don’t see many of those. Very exciting start. That first line got me—I even read it a few times just for fun. I liked the ‘reversal of Hebrew fate’ line. Nice use of a cultural reference.
Reading the sequel and prequel given, I review my story and all I can think is – you could take this in a lot of different directions.
I’ll end up filling in this story with my own personal take after the challenege is completed, but I love seeing this story through the eyes of others.