
The cake is a lie.

I knew that little rat would try to butter me up with cake. I really shouldn’t have told him my only real weakness, cake. As if i would forgive him for what he did, nearly cost me my life and he thinks he can make it up to me with cake. jeeeez. Of course, it’s not all his fault, he just tried to make me smile for once. oh well, he’s in a black hole somewhere in the vicinity of Look Skywawlkerr, and it’s all my fault. oh wait, no it isn’t. It was HIS idea. But i still don’t get how he got the cake in my locker…, probably got that friend of his to do it. GAWD… That friend of his, what a character… I look down at the business card his friend gave me, on the front was his dad’s number (it was his business card) and on the back were the numbers, name and Email address of his friend, I think his name was John something (his last name was too difficult to pronounce.) I took a bite of the cake, it wasn’t that plasticky as i originally thought it would be, most alien cakes aren’t. It was an amazing cake

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