instinct to die? I just can’t fathom that. She didn’t choose to become a vamp, though. She was forced. So she should be resentful, akin to the lady mocking her.
I wonder if the protag would feel guilty that she wasn’t like those umpteen others whose will to live wasn’t strong enough to let them become vampires. She strikes me as the type, even though she’d never come out and say she would rather be dead, b/c she knows she doesn’t have the gumption to affirmatively suicide.
hmmmm indeed! She seems strong though, and rather the mope-for-centuries-and-be-violent type. She would feel guilty for not dying. She’d quell the instincts taht are surging in her ‘new’ body.
What a great story. I like the turmoil in the newly turned vampire. But why is everyone assuming it is a female? I kind of picture a man (maybe many men?) enchanted by a sexy female vampire? Whatever the intent, it has lots of emotion and potential.
That dialogue is amazing, mate. Fantastic stuff. The vampire chick is really taking on a very distinct and complex personality. And the ideas getting explored are really interesting.