These poems come across in a pompous know-it-all voice that I dislike, but I write this way in order to find out what I’m thinking, and I’m talking to no one but myself over here anyway.
Trust me— I know that I do not know (socrates quote), whereas others like to pretend they do, but no one really does know scientifically and with objective proof about the big picture beyond life.
Science can only measure those things that are observable, repeatable, and testable.
I could see you adding something like “Minute and nondescript Detailed in the raw Grab a microscope Because…” to the end and then looping it back around to the beginning again. (“We are small”)
I truly enjoyed this. It feels grand, expansive… hopeful.
There’s a dr. who’s compiling accounts of patients who have had cardiac arrest and were pronounced dead before being brought back to life. The accounts of what these people remember may or may not be factual— but that they had officially died, and then were brought back to life, is. They have experienced it— even if they don’t exactly know or remember. What’s fascinating in the findings so far is that there is a common thread to these stories—the majority of these people say that they experienced no pain and that they encountered a being of light— not just a light— but something that was alive in the light— not exactly someone— but in some cases it was communicating to them.
This research is factual and scientific, objective, and free of emotion and religion. Although, you can’t trust word of mouth— these people did die if nothing else— and now they’re able to talk about it.
The common thread that exists in these stories, from all different people and places, is a sign of validity.
This dr. turns to science in order to find out what happens— everyone should at least listen to this. The accounts, stories, can’t be factual… fabrication is a part of our nature… but on the topic of finding out what happens after life— there’s nothing better than this— everything else is wrought with personal beliefs and religion and general bs. This dude stays objective, focuses on the facts, and dissects the stories of these people.