Funny interaction. It’s a bit of a turn on her, but I don’t remain unconvinced the old guy isn’t a pervert. In any case you got me thinking, so good job.
Either he’s a habitual flirt (despite honest affection for his wife) or he sees Stacy is on edge and is trying to cover his tracks.
“Darling/good girl”…. if he knew her it’d be different, but as it is…. I think he’s at least mentally unfaithful, and probably has been for a number of years.
Actions, not words, reveal wants – and his are suspect.
Is he truly unfaithful? I think so. It isnt strange for an older man to compliment a young woman, but after the fist compliment he should have stopped. But that’s just my opinion. This was a very fun read! Thank you Eve.
THX 0477
RoseTone ~LoA~
John Brian Williams