
Ficon'11: The 4th annual meeting of the league of super evil

Come in, good sir, and welcome to the world of FI-IC-IC-IC-IC-ICLY. This is Ficon’11, the annual ficly convention of 2011 as the title in no way suggests. Follow me now. Otherwise you might get lost, as this place is made of the minds of authors.

Let me see, come with me, to a world of pure imagination, take a look, in some books, at our pure little creation. I may rhyme, for some time, as you may have noticed, we entered, the great world, of a poetry book.

Wow, glad we got out of there, that hurt my head. In here you can relax, we’re having a tea party! With our delightfully wacky chairs and talking animals and “CHANGE PLACES!!!”. Let’s move on.

Oh, I think we’re in the WRONG neighbourhood. My first clue was that everyone around here seems to be dead except for the detectives, the perpetrators and us. Let’s get gone quickly now.

Wow, you’re still here. You haven’t been scared off. That means your hooked on my every word. I’ll pull this lever now and you can fall through that trapdoor I’ve placed you on.

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