
everything not as good as it seems

I’d read online unconfirmed reports of this new breed of killer. Conflicting reports. Some said it was a small group of people who were in a particular place at a certain time, others said it was an alien thing, and still more said that one day, by some freak of nature, a random number of people acquired the ability to kill with a thought, without suspicion. Of course, none were conclusive, and nobody knew the truth.

Wouldn’t it be great, I thought. You could eradicate the world of tyrants, despots, and even simple thoughtless assholes who continuously indulgently hurt others. If I could do it I would only use it for good, and make sure my gift wasn’t abused. I’d become like an untraceable Batman, vigilante superhero ridding the world of its most unsavoury elements. I would never feel one ounce of guilt or remorse for killing those deserved of it.

I found out I had “the Gift” the day I was fighting with my mum. I was angry. “I wish you were dead,” I thought.

Once thought, there’s no turning back the clock.

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