
The gold four leaf clover.

I don’t know if you believe in destiny or some call it fate, but that is exactly what I believe united Veronica and I. It wasn’t like that in the beginning, in fact, my best friend introduced us. I was totally in love with my best friend and thought for sure we were going to be together, that is, until she introduced me to Veronica.

Veronica seemed coy, and not very interested at first. We chatted online, even hung out at Barnes and Nobles every Sunday for coffee. It wasn’t until the day I saw the gold four leaf clover on her necklace that everything changed. I will never forget that day.

At first I thought it couldn’t possibly be the same gold four leaf clover that my Uncle Alastair had left me. But the similarities were uncanny. My Uncle was 110 when he died, and it was a secret gift that he left for me. There was a saying engraved on the back of it. It said “Each man the maker of his own fortune.” The crazy thing is not what was engraved on my clover, but what was engraved on hers.

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