Over our Heads
“That was awesome!” Luke said on the way home. We walked behind everyone else.
“Did you see how strong he was? It was amazing! I wish I could be that strong. I can’t believe we beat him.” I was beginning to get tired of his constant talking. I looked at the ground and watched my feet trying to ignore him. I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back. I turned around swinging my fist. It was caught in mid-swing.
“Relax” I took a deep breath.
“Johnny, what are you doing?” I asked.
“Saving you from Luke”
“Oh okay thanks”
“Not really, what’s wrong?” he asked. He knew me to well.
“Nothing” I lied. He would be able to tell. I was a terrible liar.
“Sarah?” I sighed.
“I feel like we’re in over our heads.” I told him.
“We’re not, not yet.” He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I looked up at him, he had the most serious look on his face.