The Adventures of the Thief
(MBcont.) On my 12th birthday i was celebrating another year on this blessed planet by climbing my favorite tree. It was a big weeping willow in the back yard beside the barn.
“I was going to reach the top this time I know it!” I thought to myself.
As I effortlessly ascend each branch I get closer to my goal. Finally after 12 years I am going to reach my goal! 3 meters, 2 meters , 1 meter! Almost there! CRACK!
The branch i planted my foot on was too weak to support my body weight, and surpressed under me. I feel backwards my mind scrambiling! As I fell the world seem to slow down and I could think more clearly. Everything was quiet and I could think without distraction. I looked down i dodged a branch which grazed my chest. Then I reached for the nearest branch and grasped hold of it. I swung down and flipped landing on another branch. My momentum carried me off of the branch and out of the tree. I feel the rest of the 15 meters, and what happened next surprised me the most! (MB)