What a coincidence! For the past seven years, I have watched trees in the woods I live next to succumb to the same fate, either from tree hauler guys or the dicks down the road. I have nearly the same feeling as the character too. Weeeeird… If I get some time I might take a whack at a sequel. :)
The only thing I’m left wanting after reading is more of a sense of The Narrator – something easily assuaged with a sequel. The idea of a growing hole in the forest is a very cool setup.
I liked it a lot! There’s a real sense of innocence and helplessness in the protagonist, and the story is intriguing. At first I thought it was all a metaphor for deforestation, but now I’m not so sure…
Only one thing I could mention: if you broke it into paragraphs, it could give the development of the story more definition. But that’s only my personal opinion.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing it develop if any sequels are on their way!