
No evidence, no witnesses.

It was only the third crime scene of the day and the similarities were ghastly. The detectives were perplexed as to what could have caused this repugnant scene. The bodies were so badly mutilated and decomposed that identifying them would prove challenging. It looked more like a setting from a sci-fi film then an actual crime scene.

They found it difficult to examine the scenes; for the lack of evidence was inauspicious. This scene in particular had sent shivers down the head detective’s spine. He was tired, tired of not having anything to go on. There was no epithelial tissue to be found anywhere. No blood spatter, no bullet shell casings, no weapons, the scene was absolutely devoid any useful material.

Without a suspect or any evidence to build on, this case would soon turn cold. Reports of similar cases were being reported simultaneously around the world, with no leads, no reasoning. What did they have in common? What was the missing link? Who was responsible? What or who could have done this?

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