

We slipped past the rusty door frame into inky blackness. Allowing our eyes to adjust, the filtered moonlight streamed defiantly through glass panes grimed with decades of neglect. I looked about furtively. The only thing of note about the entire place was that there was absolutely nothing of note…save for one, solitary piece of rope dangling from the rafters. My skin chafed just looking at it.
My heart, already threatening to scamper right out of my chest with excitement, picked up it’s delirious staccato in my ears.
I tilted my chin to the left and gave him my famous half grin.
Hot breath in my ear, I felt, rather than heard, him telling me the rules. My skin furiously fighting to stay put, lest I go 1,000 directions at once!
Electric tingles as I felt the cool, smooth satin of the blind fold bind my eyes.
Barely daring to breathe as he bound my hands above my head with the rope.

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