
The Great Pokemon Caper

“Today is the day.” I said as I awoke from my three hour sleep. I couldn’t sleep I was too excited. It was my tenth birthday. Today was the day that I would begin my Pokemon adventure! Needless to say I was excited, it was like a Bar Mitzvah for the young trainer wannabes in kanto. The day you turned ten was the day you went to oaks lab and got your very first pokemon either a fire, water or grass type. I was set on a cute little lizard named charmander, hopefully there would still be some when I’d get there. I was also very nervous. I crossed the street to oaks lab. No one was there except for a couple assitants and some kid. I decided to look through the tall grass to see all the cool pokemon around, but Proffesor Oak caught me in time. “What in mew’s name are you doing little… erm…” He shouted! He was notoriously known for not being able to tell boys and girls apart and forgetting peoples names. It was funny in a way. “Are you a boy or a girl?” he asked, embarrassed. “Boy, sir” I managed to mutter…

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