Anybody want to jump in and give the guy a name? Or bring in a new point of view/character? I’m open to anything. I think I already have the ending planned out, so don’t kill him off…just yet.
Great vocab in this one. Someone hit the thesaurus hard! I’m all for hard thesaurus hitting—— ‘symphonic menagerie’— I love the word menagerie. I thought that this piece of a line was particularly strong— “…dead due to a fleeting thought.”— I mean wow, that phrase has clarity and sound appeal (alliteration, and even imbedded rhyme ‘due to’) and it’s concise.
I may try to add to this later tonight or tomorrow if inspiration strikes.
Now there is an attractive name! Total chick magnet. Phil is nice. Thanks for the comments! Tad- a sequel would be appreciated! I have the ending somewhat written out, now it just needs the fluffing in the middle.