
Prying Eyes

The alley stretched on into the surreal horizon, its walls filled with crude symbols swimming violently on the rough surface. Malevolent spots glowed within them, piercing through his defenses, exposing his fragile soul to their inquisitive, prying eyes.

Afraid, Noah started to run. Forward and backward were the only directions in this strange alley, so forward he chose, to an endless series of bricks and far off lights. His footsteps echoed in the infinitesimally long space, thrown back at him as a series of chords and discords inhuman and impossible.

He ran forever, but the lights came never closer. He went faster and faster, until the echoes became deafening, overwhelming his senses. He dropped to the ground, feeble hands in his ears and eyes and mouth.

Footsteps. Above, the stars twinkled, twinkled, and blinked out.

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