
Life From The Gods

Dr. Gore was locked away working deep in the catacoumbs of Gore Industries Robotic Technoligies when his assistant came online and disturbed him. “Sir there is an anomaly.”
Dr Gore responded without looking up from a dust covered manuscript written by an author who called himself Hermes Tris Magistus, “I’ve been aware of this day since she rolled off the assembly line.”
The android inquired of the sagacious doctor, “But it was only lightning?”
“Maybe it was only lightning that gave life to nonliving matter billions of years ago,” Responded Dr.Gore. “The elders said our bodies are given life from the midst of nothingness; that is the meaning of the phrase ‘emptiness is form’.”
The robotic assistant answered, “Sir, if my memory serves me correctly and since no XR series has ever made a mistake I can assume it does, the same elders said ‘form is emptiness’.”
He retorted, “Since all things are provided for by nothingness, which is the meaning of the phrase ‘emptiness is form’, so XR01, lightning is form.”

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