That one made me laugh. Very short, but a great punchline to it.
Bahahah, succinct!
LOL Nice story! Its funny!
Hilarious. I don’t even want to enter this challenge because your work would defeat anything I would do. This made my day. Lol.
Blaghahaechahaha! <<<< one upping Slightnmighty’s laugh (it sounds like a gargling giraffe when spoken.) VERY FUNNY!
“When I get knocked down, I get up again!” It’s a good song, and I like what you did with it :D
“When I get knocked down, I get up again!”
It’s a good song, and I like what you did with it :D
So funny, yet so short! Love it!
Laugh out loud. Super stuff. You’ve a real talent with that last-line curveball.
Laugh out loud.
Super stuff. You’ve a real talent with that last-line curveball.