Interesting, at first I thought this song was a consideration of the music industry and relativty of success, but by the end I was wondering if this song was directed specifically at someone.
It has a nice rythmn, and a clear sense of voice. Just two pieces of advice: put a whole heap of tags in your pieces (keywords and themes, like “competition” or “love” etc), it will bring more traffic. And another thing, when you have one piece divided into parts, post the first part, and then click on the “Write a sequel” line underneath the piece for part two, and it will be much easier for the reader to progress from section to section.
Somebody’s cruisin for a bruisin! I really like the internal rhythm and pacing. It’s fun to take out anger on paper. Jonathon held some valid points. Tags help, but aren’t mandatory. And the sequeling was a good idea too. In case I haven’t said yet, welcome to the fabulous world of ficly!
Somebody’s cruisin for a bruisin! I really like the internal rhythm and pacing. It’s fun to take out anger on paper. Jonathon held some valid points. Tags help, but aren’t mandatory. And the sequeling was a good idea too. In case I haven’t said yet, welcome to the fabulous world of ficly!