Confession: I haven’t read The Road yet and I didn’t catch on until the shopping cart sentence. Aaand then I read it anyway. Just from previous familiarity with McCarthy this whole thing made me giggle, though. It’s aces.
When I saw the title “The Road” I thought of the book “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac, which is considered a classic apparently, but I found no appeal in.
I found On the Road boring, mainly because I read for style more than content and Kerouac is not a writer very interested in style (as far as I understood it!).
The Road is fantastic. The author is possibly most famous now for having one of his books turned into a film by the Coen Brothers – No Country for Old Men. The Road is in development as a film now, which seems like a mistake to me (it’s a great Ficly and a great novel, but a film!?) but the trailer is quite interesting: