I appreciate the simplicity and clear nature of what you’re saying. The structure is undeniably sound— in the 2nd stanza (or what I see should be the 2nd stanza) renewed is one more syllable than stew, whereas forever is one more syllable than ever (imbedded and slant rhyme :) ). In the first stanza— not, price, dice, pot, are all perfect rhymes. So my one critique would be to put a line of space between the two stanzas I’ve identified. But that’s up to you. Too perfect and simple to be rated (it’s not a 4/5 or a 5/5) it just IS to me. It’s there.
It doesn’t take enough of a risk to be rated 5/5, but it also isn’t bad enough to be a 4/5…. so there you have it— it just IS. If you get me at all, haha.
My personal rating system differs from what may be considered “normal.” I find most rates tend toward 4’s and 5’s, and little else. For me, 3’s are neutral, while anything above or below is indicative of how much I like or dislike the story.