
Not alone

Evie watched in desperation as she saw Adam sneak down the other side of the street and disappear around the corner.

She wanted to scream, to call out, to run to the only other normal she had seen since this morning, but she couldn’t. The two freaks, she still couldn’t call them zombies yet, were just lurking outside. She had hoped they would move on, but they seemed oddly fixated with the display of lawnmowers Mr. Handee had in the shop window. Some things never change, she thought, even mostly dead, the people in this town still loved their lawncare products.

Well, she couldn’t wait forever. If she made it out soon, she might still be able to catch up to Adam. She figured he was heading home, and he looked like he had loaded up at the supermarket. He wouldn’t have a problem with sharing, heck he had had a crush on Evie since the third grade and everyone knew it. She had a plan now, get to Adam’s house.

She hurried to the back and gassed up the G-50. She hoisted the chainsaw, liking the weight.


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