I am in love with this story, how each piece is set in vastly different times hinting at a very epic sf universe, but still leads to a gradual, very steady development of the main character (that sounds like an allegory of the life of a parent whose children are growing up).
Personally, I find the relationship with the original ficly kind of weak, but who cares? This series is awesome.:D
“the posthuman posthumans.” LOL “their corporeal forms long become fetish dolls for the nostalgic” Some great lines and the story CAN’T be over! Perhaps he meets another demention and they go dancing?
Ha ha. Well, I’m not sure if anyone caught it, because it is not very specific, but I have tied this chapter into the original prequel “The Mitosis of a God” so this is actually a prequel to that ficly.
Mankind has descended into the quantum foam, transcending the limitations of space-time: the little god.
J. Rein B.
Tina Murphy