I’ve heard the phrase tears in the rain so many times— but the way you turn it into something even more simplistic is noteworthy. I actually over thought this one somehow on first read and totally missed what it was about. Then, after a long sigh, and a nice calming ‘ohm’ moment, I re-read and got it clearly. I like it… I’m not going to rate it but it’s not because I’m a coward… I just don’t know how to rate this fairly… it’s rate-less to me… it just is. Oh, and having RhymeZone bookmarked is not sad. But it never works for me, personally. Whenever I use it everything comes out horrendously forced and awful, hehe.
Worked with a student once who would get his face wet in the bathroom, and we teachers watched like hawks, scolding him for playing and wasting time, until we realized he was hiding tears..