
Life After Death and Phone Calls

A small, plump woman was sitting in her home examining an error message on her computer when the phone rang.
She picked up the receiver.
“Hello?” she said.
“Margaret?” a man’s voice asked distractedly.
“Yes, Fred dearie, it’s me.”
“Good, good, ahh… listen, I’ve something to tell you.”
“Mmm? What is it?”
“I seem to have exploded.”
A pause.
“What? How!?”
“Spontaneously. I was at the office working and it just…happened. If only you could see the mess. Body parts spattered everywhere. They’ll have a terrible time getting me out of the carpet…” he trailed off.
" But how are you talking to me!?"
“Come now, Margaret! If a ghost can slam doors, I daresay a disembodied spirit can dial a simple phone number!”
“So…you’re dead?” she whispered.
“No, I don’t think—wait a second—actually, a little old man with a large hourglass just appeared, he’s says that I am dead and he’s just a little late. Don’t fret, Marge, at least you have the life insurance to look forward to.”
And with that, the line went dead.

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