
At Last Glance

I hate that feeling when you know it’s going to rain, but your grandpa sends you outside to retrieve a baseball you lost. As you make your way outside, you feel alone and out in the open. You feel like mother nature’s up to no good.

I pushed open our backyard fence, and studied the ground. It couldn’t be that hard to find a baseball, even though it was hidden in our freshly cut grass. I sighed. The sky was looking ominous, and the air was chilly, almost making you feel like your skin was stinging.
“Did you find it yet?” called my grandpa from the porch, glarring at me with his dark, brown eyes. I slowly shook my head, wondering why the stupid baseball was just so important to him.
Come out, come out, wherever you are…
“You are not to come in the house without my baseball. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I do.”
Actually no, I don’t. Why is this important in the first place?
At last glance, I saw something move through the woods.

And Just as it began to rain, the baseball landed at my feet.

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