
Experiment in English

“You can’t reach it!” Aubrey yells in the living room.
Slowly, Margaret’s siren of dismay winds up to a piercing scream.
“Moooooommmm,” Aubrey continues yelling, “Tell Margo she’s not tall enough to get the movie!”
I hear a distint scraping sound as the girls drag the stepstool across the hardwood floor. There’s a brief moment of silence before a sharp thud answers my question: Aubrey pushed Margo off the stool.
Three-year-old Margaret’s siren has now morphed into a cataclysmic squeal. A solid, penetrating wail, where breath and break are seemingly unnecessary.
I have only seconds until the two girls — both screaming, only one injured — burst into the room. I mentally prepare for the onslaught. The yelling: “I TOLD her she couldn’t reach it!” “She wouldn’t get off the stool!” “She made me do it, Mom!”
And the crying: “Aubry push-ed me off da ’tool!” “I hurted my awm!” “I wanted my movie!”
With a deep breath, I open my eyes and my arms as my daughters scramble toward me.

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