
A Life of Service

Marcus sat there on the marble bench in a large hallway still trying to figure out what the turn of events were that brought him here. The figure to his left was shuffling through papers nodding his fedora covered head and speaking low enough to keep their conversation private. "This is a great start and it will definitely get you on the right path. The letter you have delivered will do a lot for Mrs. Riggs and her entire work staff. Your anonymity is an important part of your success and succeed you will. I see here you will help a family with their housing problems, and will keep a few prostitutes from continuing their path of destruction. After these tasks are done you are free to distribute your brand of relief. "
Seconds later Marcus was in a cab on his way home.
“On the news that night and over the couple of weeks the headlines read:
“Envelope of Anthrax delivered to local law firm”
“Arson Kills Family in Their Sleep”
“Local Prostitutes Found Dismembered in Park”

He was free.. Free but not finished.

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