Just a note about my title…it’s something that I picked up from August Rode. I think it helps me to watch for when my turn comes up and keep my shared stories organized. Psychic Assault was the first fic in the series, so there ya go. ^^
Just a note about my title…it’s something that I picked up from August Rode. I think it helps me to watch for when my turn comes up and keep my shared stories organized.
Psychic Assault was the first fic in the series, so there ya go. ^^
Damn. That’s quite the sequel. I love what you did here. You squeezed a lot of new elements into this little piece. Nice work! Guess it’s my turn, eh? :)
Damn. That’s quite the sequel. I love what you did here. You squeezed a lot of new elements into this little piece. Nice work!
Guess it’s my turn, eh? :)
Thanks! Enjoy!
oh no a catastrophe of Breaks! who will be the calm, sane one in this storm?