It is, quite literally, the potential of apocalypse. All the power is there; it just needs the proverbial puff of wind to set the chain reaction in motion.
Jim, cool story. But one "man’s’ apocalypse can be another man’s clean slate?
I would suggest treating all your readers as somewhat intelligent, 8th grade level, and not spend time on one element, (unless its a muse) such as the isolation. For me you expressed it just fine in the first few sentences.
The emotion I got from this, was almost like banishment, this mote of brilliant energy floating all by itself, maybe because, it it’s world, maybe not brilliant enough or didn’t play by the rules. A rogue galaxy seed looking to run into something heavenly?
Off to school, maybe I’ll prequel or sequel later.
Strange — I didn’t think I placed undue emphasis on the seed’s isolation. If you’re referring to the second paragraph, the focus was not intended to be one of isolation but rather of origin. A seed such as this was never meant to enter an existing universe but instead to create one where none has existed before. Apologies if I didn’t convey that clearly enough.
Don’t worry about the conveyance, or you might stop writing. Conveyance only counts in instructions. As a compliment, your style allowed me to think about different possibilities, maybe like your mote, so many possibilites of what might happen after it’s implosion. Why can’t my thoughts be as free as your protagonist?