I'm like 'what the f**k' you know
“So I was at the Burger King over on Stinson, or Johnson, or wherever the fuck over in Northeast last night to get a fucking cheeseburger when these two knuckleheads start going at it in front of me in line. I’m like ‘what the fuck’ you know, and the one guy’s all ‘stay out of this little man’ and the other guy’s all ’I’ll get to you next jerk-off’ and…what started it? Fuck if I know. The one dude was walking in with his girl and the other dude was coming out of the bathroom and they bumped into each other or some shit and they’re all throwing down and shit and the guy at the counter’s like ’I’m calling the cops’ and the girl’s all ‘stop it! stop it Brian! and…no not Brian from Edison. But anyway, they start swinging and the one guy says ’I was in Iraq’ and then the other guy he looks back and says ‘so was I’ and then they both just sort of stood there looking at each other all funny for a second and then they both left. Yeah you missed out dude. Fucking weird shit.”